Sunday, April 1, 2012

Artifact 1           


Portrait of Georgia O'keeffe, 1918 by Alfred Stieglitz, Platinum Print.
The first photographs Stieglitz took of me was at Gallery 291 in 1917.  He photographed my hands and head, and made me pose in different positions, until he saw what he wanted to photograph.  Stieglitz new what he wanted to say with his camera.  When He died in 1946 I gave the Metropholitan Museum 72 photographs taken over twenty years of me.  They joined another 22 photographs that Stieglitz gave in 1928. 

"Alfred Stieglitz: Georgia O'Keeffe (1997.61.25)". In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. (October 2008)

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