Similarities, Differences & Judgments


  1. Hello Georgia O'Keeffe I admire your work. What we have in common is that your dad is Irish decent and i'm Irish also. The difference between me and you is that you grew up and studied your arts in the United States. I feel as if the United States artistic culture is not as dedicated and passionate as other countries are about it. I like your photos of your hands maybe you could create some poses for my dancers that I could use in my choreography.

    1. Ms.Valois,
      The Irish in our blood has given us a strong fiery personality to be artists and succeed no matter how difficult things get! I have never been to Ireland ,you on the other hand spent your early years there but both of us moved to big cities (you London and myself New York) to follow our artistic paths.
      The United States is a new country compared to Europe and we followed you culturally for many years but to say we are less passionate is not true. After the WW1 many artists were doing art that was exciting and different from anything that was going on in the rest of the world.
      The photos were taken by my husband , Alfred Stieglitz,and he died in 1946 but I'm sure he would have to loved to have helped you. He loved traveling to Europe but I on the other hand am quite happy in my own country.
      It was a pleasure talking to you. Georgia.

  2. Well Ms. O'Keefe, I can see (from your artwork) that you are a very talented artist. I must admit though, I am very jealous of where you live. New Mexico looks absolutely beautiful!
    A similarity I noticed between us, is that in both of our arts, we are very bold: I have some very "out-there" kind of music, and you are very straight forward with the colors in some of your paintings.
    A difference I have also noticed is, you and your husband seemed very close and so in-tune with each other: supporting each other and helping one another. A beautiful marriage that I am quite envious of. Me, on the other hand, I was married three times. My first wife died, and I divorced the second.
    You are a fa nominal artist, and I especially enjoy your landscapes. Keep on painting!

    1. Oh yes New Mexico is wonderful, I would not live anywhere else! Yes my work is bold especially my later work which is more abstract with bold use of color. Your work is also abstract and bold too!
      Alfred and I had our ups and downs, don't be to envious.
      Thank you for your kind compliments

  3. Miss O'Keefe I would have to say that your art work really is stunning I love the skulls and the shadowing. When I look at it it seems that the skull is there in my hand.

    I feel like the similarities between us are our arts. You are a visual artist, so am I, but my art it actually speaks, it moves, my art tells you it's feelings. Your art is much more withdrawn and cryptic.

    Differences are that I was never influenced by my peers I had my imagination and boy did it run wild.

    1. Withdrawn and cryptic? well, not many have said that about my work, but thank you for your compliments.

  4. Miss O'Keefe, I find your art very beautiful and interesting.

    Our differences are that your mother urged you to pursue your talent. My mother never denied me to play music, but she never urged me to.

    Our similarities are that we both had support from our family and peers. Also that we started at a young age.

    1. Yes, family support, I think, is very important! Our parents made us who we are, and with out them I don't think we would have been so successful.

  5. Hello Ms. O'Keeffe. I love your beautiful art work! The bright colored ones make me happy. We have some similarities. Your mother pushed you and you started early like I did. You are serious about what you do and so do I. We have our differances too. You desided to live a sheltered life and I couldn't get out of the spot light. I am known for my innocence and you had nude photographs that your husband took (which is an expression of art.) I love your work and would love to get to know you.

  6. Shirley , we are quite different but I think we can be friends!

  7. Hello Georgia. Although we happen to be in two totally different fields of the arts we still do have some similarities. One, which happens to be that we both come from a background where both of our parents struggled to make ends meet at one point in our lives. Both of our parents were always supportive of our arts abilities. My dad wasn't too fond at first but it grew on him. My mom on the other hand did all she could to enhance my musical abilities until she passed. I would love to get to know you though. So lets talk and communicate.

  8. Mr. Waller or can I call you Fats,yes our backgrounds are similar and I love your music so I think we will get on well together!
